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Design and installation
of the most modern heating systems

Among the most modern heating systems we include: condensing boilers and radiant floor systems.

Condensing heating systems.

The condensing boiler is a boiler able to obtain thermodynamic efficiency greater than 100% thanks to the recovery of the latent heat of condensation of water vapor contained in the combustion fumes. The normal boilers, even those defined as “high efficiency” (91-93% at nominal heat output), are able to use only a portion of the sensible heat of the flue gas. The water vapor generated by the combustion process is then dispersed into the atmosphere through the chimney: the quantity of heat contained in it, called latent heat, well represents the 11% of the energy released by combustion, but in such boilers can not be recovered. The condensing boiler, however, can recover a large part of the latent heat contained in the fumes expelled through the chimney. The particular condensation technology makes it possible to cool the fumes until they return to the state of saturated liquid (or in some cases to wet steam), with a recovery of heat which is then used to preheat the return water from the plant. In this way the temperature of the flue gas outlet (which is lowered to 40 ° C) keeps a very low value close to the value of the flow temperature of the water (particularly with exchangers performing even less), well below and then to 140 ~ 160 ° C of the high efficiency generators and to 200 ~ 250 ° C of the generators of the traditional type. In this way, in addition to achieving a considerable saving in terms of consumption of gas, will be considerably reduced emissions of NOx and CO dispersed in environment with a consequent reduction of air pollution.

Under floor heating

The under floor heating, very popular in the ’50s and ’60s, it was later abandoned because it caused annoying effects to those who lingered long in the environment, such as headaches or swelling in the legs. That depended on three factors: temperature too high floor, high thermal inertia of the floors due to the panels which warmed the entire slab, inadequate temperature control. Current technology provides, however, systems capable of improving the indoor climate significantly allowing considerable savings of energy. The new plants in fact require the use of a system called “floating floor” with insulation both downwards and towards the walls. This technology allows a good sound insulation and especially a substantial energy savings compared to heating via radiators, the temperature of the water contained in the pipes, in fact, is maintained at a temperature less than 40 ° C instead of 70-80 ° C. Compared to traditional systems, these systems ensure a greater environmental welfare and, from the point of view of health, allow to reduce the irritation of the respiratory tract caused by the combustion of the powder deposited on radiators, convectors creating motions, raise dust and do arise allergies. The underfloor heating, however, work for radiant effect and then allows the body to exchange energy the natural way, just as the sun warms the earth. The water which comes from the boiler, after being suitably thermoregulated, is conveyed in coils placed on the floor and from these transfers heat by conduction to the screed spreading, consequently, into the environment. These systems “totally invisible” allow you to organize the space without constraints in environments that are not occupied by radiators, providing maximum freedom of expression and exploitation architecture. On heating in the floor can be laid all kinds of coating, whether it be of natural stone, tile, carpet and wood floors. The plant floor is one of the best systems currently able to give to the people who adopt a very high comfort and a substantial savings.

Condominal heat metering

The metering of heat is a technological system which, in condominiums with centralized heating systems, allows you to regulate the temperature of each building unit and distribute the costs based on individual consumption. The realization of this system allows to obtain a significant saving on fuel consumption. A thermostatic valve is installed on all the heating bodies (radiators) which allows the room temperature to be adjusted; the valve cools the radiator when the programmed temperature is reached and heats it again when necessary. In the condominium complex, this mechanism decreases the amount of water circulating in the system, decreasing the activity of the boiler and resulting in energy savings. An electronic heat meter is also installed on the heating bodies which allows to detect the consumption of each radiator. Installation is quite simple and the intervention, while requiring specialized technicians, is fast and does not require masonry or wiring. The meters have a radio system inside that allows them to be read remotely too. To complete this type of system, some changes must be made on the thermal power plant (install an inverter-controlled variable speed circulator; wash the system …) The metering of heat is also mandatory by law on existing plants.